Sydney here, with one of the two kittens she and her mother adopted. What a lovely photo! Children are so very tuned in to animals...
It would take too long to relate all of Archie's travails and misadventures...let's just say that they made him Especially Grateful to have found this wonderful woman, and a peaceful home in the woods of Inverness!
Kate and Lulu! A match made in heaven! Lulu found a home in Marin County with this wise and wonderful woman! Love at first sight!

This sweet couple is insanely devoted to their animals...the picked out little Tiger to be a friend to their other kitten...a match made in heaven, it turned out to be!
The little girl Patrick here was adopted with is in the carrier already :-)! This woman and her husband came all the way from Santa Cruz to adopt them! They were two of the seven found under a freeway overpass with their valiant and competent mother. All eight found the most wonderful homes!! Three pairs of kittens, and mother Kristina and baby Loren. The adoption gods were really smiling on us this kitten season!
This sweet girl and her mother adopted a pair of kittens...the girl is a total animal person; I could see it immediately! They live in a lovely safe neighborhood, and know how to treat a cat as she should be treated! We could not be happier!
This amazing young woman lives close to us, in a traffic, no coyotes! She is an accomplished artist, savvy, and impressive! The cats are doing wonderfully in their new home! (the babies were inthe cage only for the interview).