The awful rash seemed to be the result of a toxic flea collar...don't ever buy Hartz products...and healed up well over a matter of weeks. She was in the big cage in the living room initially, but found her way to the middle bathroom and stayed, yes, on the top of the toilet, for weeks. We put a bed in there but the tank was just fine, thank you. And litter and water...fed her there. ...Well! Wow, she moved to the foot of my bed eventually, and has been happy there for another couple of weeks. Has also gone to the window seat by the bed. WOO! She's happy, and if I bring her to my pillow with me, she'll stay and purr. Safety trumps adventure, in many cases, for a long time! She's a bit wary of the other cats, too; may have been an only cat. We love her, and look forward to her gaining confidence and branching out! We know she will...Isn't she a love?
We'll see what the future brings for Bruna and Celeste. Rosemary is on her way!