Our cats and their needs, mysterious ailments, blessed recoveries, and now...newborn babies!!! have kept us sane and happy. Above is mother Frances, from a safe enough place on the El Cerrito/Richmond Border, in the hills. but not safe enough. The woman who had been feeding her called me, and I brought her to our shelter/home. She was not pleased. I did my best to explain that she would be safe, have her babies in a warm, protected place, and, when the babies were old enough, go back home. She came on February 24, and had two weeks of good food with appropriate supplements before her babies were born, on March 5.
they were Honkin!! I weighed two of them at three days (wanted not to disturb mother Frances till then) and they weighed SIX ounces! Average weight at three days is three and one-half ounces! And all the same size! Frances chose the father well! All strong and healthy!
I need to leave them alone as much as possible, as Frances is NOT agreeable to any human coming close. And we know how damaging stress can be...but oh how I long to hold them!! Frances may become more trusting, and I'll need to handle them (tough job, but...) as soon as they're old enough to start having fear of new things and of people.