He came to us later than he should have: he had a terrible abcess which covered the entire side of his head, and was so far advanced that the infection had pushed his eyeballs out of his head. (No gruesome photos to follow). I'm grateful to live so close to great doctors. He started antibiotics, and saw the ophthalmologist. He was at this point, blind. It was a long, but steady recovery. He was so traumatized that he didn't move off his new home, the couch, at all. We had food and litter there. He would creep back and forth on the (long) couch, and eventually...BIG day... got down off the couch.
He continued to improve. we could see that he was one of great courage and fortitude. He was gentle and accepting.
His infection died away, the swelling went down, and gradually, his eyes returned to their rightful place in his head. Dr. Zarfoss could not really tell what his vision was, but, since he went farther afield every day, we knew that his sight was coming back! This is a photo of him after his recovery.
Happy times. He recovered completely, Thank you, doctors, and Catfish for not giving up!!