The second time Coco crashed, vomiting and becoming lethargic, his hematocrit was 12% The vets said that he could not sustain life at that level, and that there was noting more to be done. If he didn't retain a healthy level of red blood cells after a transfusion...well...
I don't remember just when Coco started seeing our holistic vet (one of them) for acupuncture and advice. He also heard from a wonderful communicator, who told us that he was not digesting, and advised a supplement protocol. He was still with the foster, with me visiting him daily. Still, he crashed a third time. This time his hematocrit was a mere 8%. We decided to do another transfusion, and took him to Berkeley Dog & Cat where they said his blood type was available. When we got there, we found out that they did not, in fact, have his blood type. (ask me another time where they get the blood) By this time he had been at Abbey Pet Hospital and Berkeley Dog and Cat for most of the day. A trip to OakVet, where they said they did have type A blood, would mean another eight hours or so, and, the last time he'd seen the internal medicine specialist there, the doctor told us that they'd not do a transfusion on a cat with such a low red blood cell count. They told the specialist (shoutout to Dr. Megan O'Sullivan) at Berk. Dog & Cat that they would, but I wasn't convinced....and, as he had regenerated his red blood cells before, I decided to not put him through another eight hours of stress.
We took this dear, beautiful, Long-suffering one home, and.....stay tuned!
Hint: he is still VERY much with us. Find out what we did!
Please help us with his medical costs, if you can, at!