I'm still stunned by this miracle!
(was it Einstein who said that one can live as if everything is a miracle, or as if nothing is?)
Coco did indeed regenerate his red blood cells a third time...with the help of angels on earth: my holistic Dr. Anne Reed, his chiropractor Dr. Margaret Holiday, and especially the medical intuitive who has let us know, over the years, just what's wrong with many here, and what to do! I've learned a lot about how the body works, especially the organs, and am in awe. There is so much we do not know...and a lot we should know and don't.
Coco's ultrasound had shown tiny tumors all over his liver, which had caused the (great amount of) bleeding into his abdomen.
The intuitive suggested, among a lot of other things, getting a tincture, Blushwood Berry, which, she said, would help reduce the tumors. Maybe it has, along with everything else...Gemmotherapies, acupuncture, homeopathics...etc. Thank goodness Coco has been receptive to all these treatments!
Today is April 26, over two months since his last "crash". Coco is eating like a horse, eager for meals, no more vomiting...happy and serene. At his next checkup, we'll draw blood and see where his hematocrit is. His holistic vet says his pulses are strong, and he is literally "in the pink", so we haven't done labs to since February. His gums and tongue are pink as they oughtta be!
Grateful?? YOU BET!!
We still have a lot of bills to pay! if you can help, please to to www.beeholistic.com and hit the Donate button!!