Well!! Yesterday, Val got down off the couch on his own! Somehow. I didn't see him do it, but found him in the back of the kitchen on a cat tree! He had till now been unable to judge distance; was not able to get off the couch for that reason. He just went back and forth on the couch...and could get into the tree touching it, but his vision had not come back to the point where he could evaluate distances. NOW HE CAN!! Yesterday he was able to go from the greenhouse window down to the sideboard below, feeling gingerly below him. He could sense, partly see, how far it was, and made it down! Later, he was all over!! Up on other cat trees, climbing happily, playing with Little Maggie: All Over The Place!! Liberated! and happy! At the slightest touch! It's been a long journey for him, and in typical cat fashion, he breezed through it! He and I thank you for your help! (Need more hint hint) It's a bright day for Valiant...taking his place in the world after the world's worst infection in his head!
For the rest of his incredible story, here's his gofundme link: